Sources are data that describes the suggestions and their behavior.
Guides# Using static sources# Static sources means that whatever the autocomplete state is, the same sources are always returned.
Copy const autocomplete = createAutocomplete ( {
getSources ( ) {
return [
getSuggestions ( ) {
return [
{ label : 'Twitter' , url : '' } ,
{ label : 'GitHub' , url : '' } ,
] ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ) ;
Searching in static sources# You can search within your sources to update them as the user types:
Copy const autocomplete = createAutocomplete ( {
getSources ( ) {
return [
getSuggestions ( { query } ) {
return [
{ label : 'Twitter' , url : '' } ,
{ label : 'GitHub' , url : '' } ,
] . filter ( ( item ) => item . toLowerCase ( ) . includes ( query . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ) ;
To bring more search capabilities, you can plug an Algolia index:
Copy import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite' ;
import { createAutocomplete } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-core' ;
import { getAlgoliaHits } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-preset-algolia' ;
const searchClient = algoliasearch (
'latency' ,
) ;
const autocomplete = createAutocomplete ( {
getSources ( ) {
return [
getSuggestions ( { query } ) {
return getAlgoliaHits ( {
searchClient ,
queries : [
indexName : 'instant_search' ,
query ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ) ;
You can notice that getSuggestions
supports promises .
Using dynamic sources based on query# A common pattern is to display a different source when the query is empty, and when the user started typing.
Copy import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite' ;
import { createAutocomplete } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-core' ;
import { getAlgoliaHits } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-preset-algolia' ;
const searchClient = algoliasearch (
'latency' ,
) ;
const autocomplete = createAutocomplete ( {
getSources ( { query } ) {
if ( ! query ) {
getSuggestions ( ) {
return [
{ label : 'Twitter' , url : '' } ,
{ label : 'GitHub' , url : '' } ,
] ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
return [
getSuggestions ( ) {
return getAlgoliaHits ( {
searchClient ,
queries : [
indexName : 'instant_search' ,
query ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
} ,
} ) ;
You can notice that we can get the query
from the getSources
function to conditionally return sources .
This pattern can be extended to display recent searches on empty query, and search results when a query is typed. You can compute dynamic sources based on the complete autocomplete state, not only the query.
Using asynchronous sources# getSources
also supports promises, which means that you can fetch your sources from an asynchronous API:
Copy import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite' ;
import { createAutocomplete } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-core' ;
import { getAlgoliaHits } from '@francoischalifour/autocomplete-preset-algolia' ;
const searchClient = algoliasearch (
'latency' ,
) ;
const autocomplete = createAutocomplete ( {
getSources ( { query } ) {
return getAlgoliaResults ( {
searchClient ,
queries : [
indexName : 'instant_search_demo_query_suggestions' ,
query ,
} ,
indexName : 'instant_search' ,
query ,
} ,
] ,
} ) . then ( ( results ) => {
const [ querySuggestions , products ] = results ;
return [
getSuggestions ( ) {
return querySuggestions . hits ;
} ,
getInputValue : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . query ,
} ,
getSuggestions ( ) {
return products . hits ;
} ,
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ,
] ;
} ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
This pattern can be used to store data in the context before returning the sources.
Reference# getSources
# (params: { query: string, state: AutocompleteState, ...setters: Autocomplete Setters }) => Array<AutocompleteSource> | Promise<Array<AutocompleteSource>>
The function to fetch the sources and their behaviors.
# This is the type that describes a source.
# (params: { query: string, state: AutocompleteState, ...setters }) => Suggestion[] | Promise<Suggestion[]>
| required
Called when the input changes. You can use this function to filter/search the items based on the query.
Copy const items = [ { value : 'Apple' } , { value : 'Banana' } ] ;
const source = {
getSuggestions ( { query } ) {
return items . filter ( ( item ) => item . value . includes ( query ) ) ;
} ,
} ;
# (params: { suggestion, state: AutocompleteState }) => string
| defaults to ({ state }) => state.query
Called to get the value of the suggestion. The value is used to fill the search box.
If you do not wish to update the input value when an item is selected, you can return state.query
Copy const items = [ { value : 'Apple' } , { value : 'Banana' } ] ;
const source = {
getInputValue : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . value ,
} ;
# (params: { suggestion: Suggestion, state: AutocompleteState }) => string | undefined
Called to get the URL of the suggestion. The value is used to add keyboard accessibility features to allow to open suggestions in the current tab, in a new tab or in a new window.
Copy const items = [
{ value : 'Google' , url : '' } ,
{ value : 'Amazon' , url : '' } ,
] ;
const source = {
getSuggestionUrl : ( { suggestion } ) => suggestion . url ,
} ;
# (params: { state: AutocompleteState, ...setters, event }) => void
| defaults to ({ setIsOpen }) => setIsOpen(false)
Called when an item is selected.
# (params: { state: AutocompleteState, ...setters, event }) => void
Called when an item is selected.
You can trigger different behaviors with a mouse highlight and a keyboard highlight based on the event